Invited Speaker--Dr. Jianmei Wang

Department of Pharmaceutical Science, The school of Pharmacy, University of North Texas, USA
I received my bachelor degree of science in Chinese Materia Medica in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in 1994 and master degree of medicine in Harbin University of Commerce, in Chinese Pharmaceutical science, in 2000. I obtained another master degree of science in Organic Chemistry in University of New Brunswick in 2007 where I studied paclitaxel, anti-cancer drug side chain synthesis and bioavailability; thus a new synthetic method and novel compound were discovered and the novel crystal structure was included in The Cambridge Crystallographic Structural Database. I was a visiting scholar in Southern Methodist University in 2006. I had many year experience working in R&D department in bioanalysis and DMPK study using the cutting –edge technology LC-QQQ-MS, LC-QTOF-MS in Contract Research Organization laboratory providing service to major pharmaceutical companies in USA and worked as the head scientist and lab supervisor in medical toxicology field focused on pain panel drug confirmation by LC-MS/MS, later in Mass Spectrometry core facilities in University of Texas Medical Branch. Currently, I work in the core lab of Department of pharmaceutical Science in University of North Texas as research associate and lab manager. I published many papers and has been reviewing manuscripts for many journals. My research focuses on using liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, tandem or time of flight techniques to develop method for endogenous compounds and exogenous compounds in clinical study and pharmaceutical study.
Speech Title: A novel approach to high throughput in simultaneously analyzing 80 drugs of abuse in urine by using LC-ESI-MS/MS
Abbreviations used: CAP, College of American Pathologists; sMRM, scheduled multiple reaction monitoring; ULOQ, upper limit of quantitation.
Abstract: Urine drug testing (UDT) is playing vital role in pain management clinics and forensic service laboratories. This manuscript presents a novel approach to maximizing the throughput. The approach made it possible to analyze 80 pain panel drugs in urine simultaneously by using LC-ESI-MS/MS. All pain panel drugs were from different classes, opiates, illicit drugs, synthetic opioids, sedative, stimulants, γ-aminobutyric acid analogs, et al. To maximize throughput, we modified the previous method by mirroring an LC multiplexing system, coordinating the use of triple quadrupole mass spectrometry, with polarity switch and schedule MRM function; meanwhile, more drugs of abused and deuterated internal standards were added into the method and has been monitored under regulation of College of American Pathologists. The method was using “diluted and shoot” technique, but two ion pairs to monitor the interference. All urine and saliva samples were diluted with a mixture of isotope-labeled internal standards. Only urine samples were hydrolyzed with β–glucuronidase. The resulting supernatant was diluted with 0.1% formic acid in water, then injected with a gradient run. By using multiplexing driver and polarity switch, all compounds achieved sufficient resolution in a very short scanned period in 4.9 minutes. and The cross-validation between CAP and in-house was validated (0.06% ≤ bias% ≤ 12.3%). The applicability of the method was examined by analyzing urine and saliva clinical samples from chronic pain patients (n=3000).
Keywords: Drug monitoring; Urine; Multiplex system; Fast Polarity switch; scheduled MRM; LC-MS/MS